When we say the word “addiction,” what is the first thing that comes to mind? Maybe drug addiction. Maybe alcohol addiction. But what about pornography addiction?
Behavioral addictions, such as porn addiction, have historically been highly debated in the psychiatric and treatment communities as to whether or not they were actual addictions. However, whether you think it is an addiction or a compulsion, there are people out there
What is a porn addiction?
Porn addiction is actually one of the most reported addictions. It is when someone feels a
compulsion to watch porn and simply cannot stop themselves.
The act of watching pornography releases endorphins just like is seen with other addictions.
Also like with other addictions, there are generally signs that someone is addicted to porn such
1. They’ve lost interest in sex.
When someone is addicted to porn, they can lose interest in real sex. The real-life version of sex
can suddenly become less enticing and exciting than the online version. You might notice that
they seem distant or uninterested when you try to engage with them sexually.
2.They’ve lost attraction in their partner.
Pornography can portray an unrealistic version of beauty, and can leave someone feeling less
attracted to their partner. It can cause their partner to feel hurt about their appearance and can
lead to other problems in the relationship.
3.They want more.
As with most addictions, the addict craves more and more. With time, a porn addict will crave
more and more. This can often lead to sneaky behaviors and excuses to be alone.
4.They can’t stop.
If someone is unable to stop viewing porn, despite trying to do so, then it is safe to say they are
5.They might become more demanding.
As they become more and more accustomed to looks and actions that differ from reality, you
might start to notice that your partner is more demanding for you to do certain things or act a
certain way that they haven’t requested before. Sometimes, this can cause discomfort in the
Talking About Porn Addiction
Like with any addiction, it can be hard for the person suffering from a porn addiction to talk
about it. It is important to approach the conversation gently and express your desire to discuss
it openly.
This might take several conversations and might also present a range of emotions, including
anger, frustration and sadness.
If you aren’t sure how to approach the situation, or if they decide they would like help, reach
out to a professional.
At Valiant Behavioural Health we the experience and expertise to help you or a Loved on e overcome Sexual Addiction.